2003 Tulane Intramural Basketball Games

Feb. 07th to Mar. 28th

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Hit Counter Since 02/11/03
Last updated on 09/12/03


TCSA Players:

Michael Wei, Chun-Wei Kang, Joseph Lai, Yu-Hong Chen, Jrpeng Lan, Donny Hsieh,
Tung-Yuan Lu, Shu-Heng Huang, Richard Lo, Hiroaki Haruguchi, Wayne Huang, Stephane Mac.

TCSA games' schedules:



GAME 1: 7:00 PM, Feb. 7th, 2003

GAME 2: 4:00 PM, Feb. 9th, 2003. TCSA gets first WIN today!!

GAME 3: 6:00 PM, Feb. 14th, 2003


GAME 4: 6:00 PM, Feb. 21st, 2003

all of our TCSA Basketball players
(From the left to the right)

Vincent, Peter, Henry, Joseph, Richard, Mike, Martin, Stephane,
Donny, Yuhong, Hiroaki, and Wayne.


GAME 5: 5:00 PM, March. 16th, 2003

GAME 5: 9:00 PM, March. 21st, 2003

GAME 5: 7:00 PM, March. 23rd, 2003

GAME 5: 5:00 PM, March. 28th, 2003.  Second WIN tonight.





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This website was designed by Yaling Lo on February 11, 2003.
The pages and photos are maintained and updated by Yaling Lo.
Please send your comments & suggestions to ylo@tulane.edu
The page was last updated on 09/12/03.
Copyright © 2001-2003 by TCSA.  All rights reserved.